Today it was the bull's turn to take a stroll down memory lane to the downside. Although volume started out light, there's nothing to complain about on the selling volume today at all, and although we've become accustomed to seeing a bounce after days like this, we'll cross that road when we come to it. We'll do our homework tonight and prep for another day tomorrow...
I know a lot of traders in here were really on their game today- congrats to all of you, whether you were trading AMZN long or XOM short, well done!!! I think some of us need neck braces from trading in and out! :-) Have a good evening, and enjoy a job well done! ~Keirsten
P.S. Tomorrow is a busy day on the economic front: Before the bell: ICSC-Goldman Store Sales, Red Book and S&P Case-Shiller. At 10:00 AM is Consumer Confidence, and later at 4:00 PM, Turbo Timmy will speak.
Notable earnings pre-market include: JCI, SCHN, X, VLO, WYNN, and post session include: APOL, BXP, CEPH, MEE and NSC