Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This is "The President" - oh my :(

and this is how people on YouTube react to current administration:
daanman2 (50 seconds ago) Show Hide
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Bush will get what he deserves, I think he has started getting it already. He is an absolute idiot
newmac (25 minutes ago) Show Hide
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and he thinks its all funny; and so does his flock of sheep
jtilak (49 minutes ago) Show Hide
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its because we built too many houses!
Cheapz5 (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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And, the winner of this year's best "Synthetic Hologram Stand-Up Comedy Act" goes to...

... (dundundunnnnnnnnn)...

... G.W.B!... um... We're sorry to announce that G.W. couldn't be here to accept his award (due to the fact that he's no longer in the country); although his double has been doing such a fantastic job, over the past seven years. We feel it's only fair that he accepts it...

... Thank You All & Good Night!...
lquidgrl (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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I think Bush is possibly an aliem without a soul, disguised as a "good old boy" They stole the stupidest jack ass from a farm imitated his common sense and made it into the human form we now call Bush....if he says "we come in peace" im gonna barf!
SiouxBwoi (3 hours ago) Show Hide
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lmfao i love the stupid shit bush says...makes me laugh.
arrogantenoble (3 hours ago) Show Hide
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do those people laughing realize how fucked up they are?
darealdjnutz (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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Hopefully America will remove their head from their asses and stop voting for anyone in the Bush family. Hell is waiting for them, but let's hope we are finished with them.
GrownupPhan (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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Thomas Frank has an excellent article in Harprer's about this kind of government incompetence being the plan. It previews his new book coming out next month. Mother Jones also had an excellent article in the current issue about how this crisis was no accident.
DRDNIBOY (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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