Don’t know who would call our existing health care system “adequate” (not even using words like “good”, “great”, “best”) when it is as much rotten, incompetent, corrupt, dishonest as everything else and in a single plain English word shall be described as “SCAM”. Why? Let me give you an example.
Yesterday morning, December 14th, my Mother had to be admitted to Rod Island W&I Hospital to undergo cancer related surgery. She was instructed to arrive at “no later than 6:30AM EST” and surgery had to be started at no later than 7:30AM.
Of course, counting travel time of 1 hour 20 minutes to a hospital alarm clock at my Mom’s house went off at 4AM and to make “travel story” short – she arrived at the hospital exactly when instructed – 6:30AM.
Patient did what patient had to do. Now, here what scambags at the hospital did.
One thing they did not do was “surgery at 7:30AM”. Beside that they did a lot of lying and extorted a lot of money (in this case from insurance obviously, but at the end – from the pockets of all policies holders – insurance will sure pass “the savings” on to them). First they said “there was no precise “thingy” needed for the surgery. Then they said that they decided to involve yet another, “even better”, surgeon. (Does it mean that initially scheduled to appear surgeon was a real POS? Or was he “veterinarian”? Or just a “butcher"?) All of that was going on already after administering initial doze of anesthetics to the patient of senior age – when any single doze of such might be the last one due to heart conditions).
Finally, one, not so well coached (read “instructed to lie”) member of the most humane profession on the Mother Earth said something he/she was not suppose to say: “The surgeon who was suppose to do surgery DID NO COME IN”.
SO, they rescheduled to “after 3PM”. Finally “Original surgeon” (the one who based on “desire to involve better surgeon was no good”) appeared and stated to the patient that “NONE NOTTIFIED HIM/HER about morning surgery”.
Finally they started surgery at 3:20PM (instead of 7:30AM)…
How much money do those assholes have to be paid to do their job? Oh, I am sorry, I am not suppose to ask that question those very special individuals working for health care system, justice, police, government…wait, let just formulate that list in a shorter form: “From anyone and everyone who is getting MY money in one or another way and suppose to SERVE ME”
Let me say this: “Screw this corrupt system tolerating dimwitted idiots and thieves and punishing mostly anyone razing the head above mediocre average, screw all those people, it is coming for them one day, no questions about it, it is coming…for every single one”.