In this post It's been great while it lasted I arrogantly wrote:
I am talking about that silly annoying rally of hopium, but this is as far as it goes, it stops right here, right now.
The most powerful subclass of equities, non stoppable Small Cap #A hitting the brick wall of Weekly TDST at 751.66. Today or what is very unlikely, tomorrow, we have seen the highest close of if.
Now we KNOW - $RUT posted highest close (so far) on close of trading on April 23rd - "the NEXT day"
In this post as of April 24th "Lasciate ogne posizione [speranza], voi ch'intrate" I presented detailed/annotated chart of /ES daily (reposting for easier referencing)
For some idiotic reason (is not inability to do something you expect to be doing painlessly always "idiotic"?) I cannot upload videos to Youtube, so, here, kill my Screencast account, suffocate my bandwidth, all of it – have it and eat it too!
Oh, and I forgot to say in videos that IF we are forming babe …wait…I think it is "wave" … "A" on daily – then we are in day #2 and we need "x" days more….you all know theory by now – right?
Vid1 http://screencast.com/t/ZGUzZTc4Y
Vid2 http://screencast.com/t/YjliMzIxZ
DDT here 9AM April 28th
DISQUS is acting up again
Don't forget 10AM petroleum reserves and 2:15 FOMC statement