Thursday, January 07, 2010

You have to see it…

bird-6 No, not to “believe it”, but just be able to see why “stubborn” SPY, $SPX, /ES – call it any name – does not want to do what bears united (no more) want it to do…oh yes, it is up high, oh yes – it is at “resistances” (new every time), oh yes – it “must” fall, but it is a giant (not on the feet of clay as I wrote back in 2007) on many legs and these “legs” keep rotating, taking over from each other and keep supporting composite indexes.  It just so happened that when market “crashes” most sectors do it at the same time, but right now, unless some black swan event happens – do we have to expect “catastrophic” PeeThree?  Lets be real – will anyone who is capable of CONCISTENTLY making money sell crappy brochures (damn…I will be bounced from “EWI Affiliate Knights’ “ and…who gives – have not made a dollar for 2 moths – my readers are smart – they know …. (damn censorship) fecal when they see it. 

Without further due I present you what I call: “How carpal tunnel was built”

..and…market will selloff next week…may be…


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