Not much to report, nothing has changed today, stochastic sell weekly still there, except for bleeding theta nothing changed. I will hold my long puts position for few more days, I normally go with deep in the money and at least 3-4 months put options, mostly for leverage…
If you recall my "example short portfolio" opened back in September 2009 – as of now, 1 year later it shows about 10% loss – nothing to write home about for bulls or bears…and just few weeks ago it was slightly in green – that was surely the year of range bound trading, if not for that May 6th flash crash I could say that I traded that year quite well…but as you know I got hit hard on that day and it took a while to get back to the market…it felt like I was lost in the ocean for a while…little insignificant human being in the middle of market tornado…
VIX is still in this falling wedge looking thingie, weekly stochastic buy, but it does not manifest itself immediately.
…and GS posted Countdown Buy 13 on daily (aggressive for now), still – does not look like it is poised to run
