Market is in the rally mode 3rd day in a row...yeah, today was a consolidation - it is a healthy part of the rally.
Not much to say, I'll let comedians to do it for me (as we know in corrupt societies comedians are the only people allowed to say the TRUTH )
Cramer - EVERYONE WITH BRAINS has two words for you ".... you"
That's right
It is a disgrace that Cramers, banks, CEOs, FED - EVERYONE can shamelessly take advantage of people who don't know better
...and people continue to wave the flag...when enough is enough?
End of rant...
Why for the love of all mighty do they call it "FRENCH" fries?
How many children is enough - 10 or 14? No income verification for that - why not...especially when you are young, healthy and 14 years old...
What do I hate more - "stroboscopic" commercials or companies paying for that annoying crap?
Definitely end of rant now...
You feel better about market now? No more "Tea Party" talks? Of course you do - you always feel satisfied when "they" take away 95% of what you have earned and then, when "they" "give" you back 10% of what "they" took - you feel good, don't you? Could be worse, could have gotten "nottin" back...
Don't you wish sometimes you have just robbed the bank and stole some of 99.99999% of money they lost anyways? (They had to get that money from somewhere - don't you think that was YOU they got it from?). Imagine how good you'd feel now bailing them out with your money you stole from them they stole from you...wait, I lost it - I need to start over....
Sleep well, don't you worry - tomorrow might be a better day and you might even get corporate email that "there are some food leftovers in the kitchen" - rush in!
Am I still ranting???
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