Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hump Day

Probably the only good thing about today is it's Hump Day, and we can finally move on tomorrow past this GM IPO fandango. Beyond all of that hoopla, China is worth watching here, imo- and watching this chart was quite fruitful to us in early 2010. Is this going to be a "here we go again?" I don't know, but beyond the noise about Ireland and Portugal, I think this is the horse to watch here.

Anyway.. here are a few charts, and a video Tyler found earlier- click to link- it would not embed for me.  (thanks, Tyler  ;-) )- and how apropos on the day when it’s announced The Dinosaur will be receiving the Medal of Freedom.  Whatever…


iwm_11_17 dx_11_17
qqqq_11_17 spy_11_17




Click image for video


Have a fabulous trading day tomorrow TTWrs! 

Good job as always as we navigate this swamp.  ;-)

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