Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And yet another SMSI post

Rough day, scary close, but after seen ER with 70% yearly grows rate, estimates exceeding by 3c ( 17 versus 14 projected by analysts ) and listening CC - I bought after hours at 15.1 using all available margin ( I DON'T DO THAT VERY OFTEN and I'm NOT recommending you to do THAT). I think we longs will get eagerly awaited short squeeze tomorrow and it started TONIGHT!

P.S. I was not going to do that, but then desire to pat myself on the back won the modesty battle, so I'm saying it:
"By the way - second stock from Thursday "double take ( SMSI and IIG ) added 10.6% in the very very very bad market, hitting 52WH last two days many-many-many times"