Persistence of this rise is really annoying, it has buried not one, but the last bear, Egypt turmoil added fuel to buying US assets – paper, bonds, dust…anything away from Middle East is good now…
Mr. Vix keeps flirting with Blue Support Line, bounced today off it in spite of steady climb of the broad market – what’s up with that?
Here is another “rlue line” I am watching – TDST on weekly Dollar Futures chart – if it breaks down – I’ll be short dollar all over – now I have no position. As a matter of fact, except for bleeding long puts (still deep in the money and far away) on SPY – I have no positions.
Daily /DX chart showing…let me ask you – if it was at the top – you would say “topping pattern”? Rounding top..at the bottom??
Will it break down? Will it…punk???
And oil…is it the end? I don’t know – for my taste there is no clear trade anywhere right now…but I am sitting in plenty of cash and getting back into the game… easy does it for now…